You can get a list of the batches that your uploaded images are grouped into by making the following GET request:
curl --location --request GET '${WORKSPACE}/${PROJECT}/batches?api_key=${ROBOFLOW_API_KEY}'
This request will return a response in the following format:
"batches": [
"name": "Uploaded on 11/22/22 at 1:39 pm",
"numJobs": 2,
"images": 115,
"uploaded": {
"_seconds": 1669146024,
"_nanoseconds": 818000000
"id": "<BATCH_ID 1>"
"numJobs": 0,
"images": 11,
"uploaded": {
"_seconds": 1669236873,
"_nanoseconds": 47000000
"name": "Upload via API",
"id": "<BATCH_ID 2>"
To get info for a specific Batch only, you can add the batch Id to the path of the request:
curl --location --request GET '${WORKSPACE}/${PROJECT}/batches/${BATCH_ID}?api_key=${ROBOFLOW_API_KEY}'
This request will return data in the following format:
"name": "Uploaded on 11/22/22 at 1:39 pm",
"uploaded": {
"_seconds": 1669146024,
"_nanoseconds": 818000000
"images": 115,
"numJobs": 2,
"id": "<BATCH_ID>"