Upload an Annotation

Upload an annotation to Roboflow.

If you already have existing annotations, along with your images, you can upload them to Roboflow.

Did you know? You can drag and drop (or select) the annotation files along with your images on the Upload page of the app without using the API.

You can attach annotation files when you upload images via the Python SDK. See more in the Python SDK reference

Example: Uploading a Local Annotation

import glob
from roboflow import Roboflow

# Initialize Roboflow client
rf = Roboflow(api_key="YOUR_PRIVATE_API_KEY")

# Directory path and file extension for images
dir_name = "PATH/TO/IMAGES"
file_extension_type = ".jpg"

# Annotation file path and format (e.g., .coco.json)
annotation_filename = "PATH/TO/_annotations.coco.json"

# Get the upload project from Roboflow workspace
project = rf.workspace().project("YOUR_PROJECT_NAME")

# Upload images
image_glob = glob.glob(dir_name + '/*' + file_extension_type)
for image_path in image_glob:
        # -- optional parameters: --
        # annotation_labelmap=labelmap_path,
        # split='train',
        # num_retry_uploads=0,
        # batch_name='batch_name',
        # tag_names=['tag1', 'tag2'],
        # is_prediction=False,

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