Deploy Roboflow Hosted Deployments Custom Models Object Detection Run inference on your object detection models hosted on Roboflow.
There are several ways to run object detection inferences using the Roboflow Hosted API. You can use one of our different SDKs, or send a REST request to our hosted endpoint.
Python cURL Javascript Swift/iOS Android Ruby PHP Go .NET More
To run inference through our hosted API using Python, use the roboflow
Python package:
Copy from roboflow import Roboflow
rf = Roboflow (api_key = "API_KEY" )
project = rf . workspace (). project ( "MODEL_ENDPOINT" )
model = project . version (VERSION). model
# infer on a local image
print (model. predict ( "your_image.jpg" , confidence = 40 , overlap = 30 ). json ())
# visualize your prediction
# model.predict("your_image.jpg", confidence=40, overlap=30).save("prediction.jpg")
# infer on an image hosted elsewhere
# print(model.predict("URL_OF_YOUR_IMAGE", hosted=True, confidence=40, overlap=30).json())
Linux or MacOS
Retrieving JSON predictions for a local file called YOUR_IMAGE.jpg
Copy base64 YOUR_IMAGE.jpg | curl -d @- \
Inferring on an image hosted elsewhere on the web via its URL (don't forget to URL encode it ):
Copy curl -X POST "\
You will need to install curl for Windows and GNU's base64 tool for Windows . The easiest way to do this is to use the git for Windows installer which also includes the curl
and base64
command line tools when you select "Use Git and optional Unix tools from the Command Prompt" during installation.
Then you can use the same commands as above.
We're using axios to perform the POST request in this example so first run npm install axios
to install the dependency.
Inferring on a Local Image
Copy const axios = require ( "axios" );
const fs = require ( "fs" );
const image = fs .readFileSync ( "YOUR_IMAGE.jpg" , {
encoding : "base64"
axios ({
method : "POST" ,
url : "" ,
params : {
api_key : "YOUR_KEY"
} ,
data : image ,
headers : {
"Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
.then ( function (response) {
console .log ( response .data);
.catch ( function (error) {
console .log ( error .message);
Inferring on an Image Hosted Elsewhere via URL
Copy const axios = require ( "axios" );
axios ({
method : "POST" ,
url : "" ,
params : {
api_key : "YOUR_KEY" ,
image : ""
.then ( function (response) {
console .log ( response .data);
.catch ( function (error) {
console .log ( error .message);
We have realtime on-device inference available via roboflow.js
; see the documentation here .
Inferring on a Local Image
Copy import UIKit
// Load Image and Convert to Base64
let image = UIImage ( named : "your-image-path" ) // path to image to upload ex: image.jpg
let imageData = image ? . jpegData ( compressionQuality : 1 )
let fileContent = imageData ? . base64EncodedString ()
let postData = fileContent ! . data ( using : . utf8 )
// Initialize Inference Server Request with API_KEY, Model, and Model Version
var request = URLRequest ( url : URL ( string : "" ) ! ,timeoutInterval : Double . infinity )
request. addValue ( "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" , forHTTPHeaderField : "Content-Type" )
request.httpMethod = "POST"
request.httpBody = postData
// Execute Post Request
URLSession.shared. dataTask ( with : request, completionHandler : { data, response, error in
// Parse Response to String
guard let data = data else {
print ( String ( describing : error ))
// Convert Response String to Dictionary
do {
let dict = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject ( with : data, options : [] ) as? [ String : Any ]
} catch {
print ( error.localizedDescription )
// Print String Response
print ( String ( data : data, encoding : . utf8 ) ! )
} ) . resume ()
Objective C
Click here to request an Objective-C snippet.
Inferring on a Local Image
Copy import*
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.util.*
fun main () {
// Get Image Path
val filePath = System. getProperty ( "user.dir" ) + System. getProperty ( "file.separator" ) + "YOUR_IMAGE.jpg"
val file = File (filePath)
// Base 64 Encode
val encodedFile: String
val fileInputStreamReader = FileInputStream (file)
val bytes = ByteArray (file. length (). toInt ())
fileInputStreamReader. read (bytes)
encodedFile = String (Base64. getEncoder (). encode (bytes), StandardCharsets.US_ASCII)
val API_KEY = "" // Your API Key
val MODEL_ENDPOINT = "dataset/v" // Set model endpoint (Found in Dataset URL)
// Construct the URL
val uploadURL = "" + MODEL_ENDPOINT + "?api_key=" + API_KEY + "&name=YOUR_IMAGE.jpg" ;
// Http Request
var connection: HttpURLConnection ? = null
try {
// Configure connection to URL
val url = URL (uploadURL)
connection = url. openConnection () as HttpURLConnection
connection.requestMethod = "POST"
connection. setRequestProperty ( "Content-Type" ,
"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" )
connection. setRequestProperty ( "Content-Length" ,
Integer. toString (encodedFile. toByteArray ().size))
connection. setRequestProperty ( "Content-Language" , "en-US" )
connection.useCaches = false
connection.doOutput = true
//Send request
val wr = DataOutputStream (
wr. writeBytes (encodedFile)
wr. close ()
// Get Response
val stream = connection.inputStream
val reader = BufferedReader ( InputStreamReader (stream))
var line: String ?
while (reader. readLine (). also { line = it } != null ) {
println (line)
reader. close ()
} catch (e: Exception ) {
e. printStackTrace ()
} finally {
connection?. disconnect ()
main ()
Inferring on an Image Hosted Elsewhere via URL
Copy import
fun main () {
val imageURL = "" // Replace Image URL
val API_KEY = "" // Your API Key
val MODEL_ENDPOINT = "dataset/v" // Set model endpoint
// Upload URL
val uploadURL = "" + MODEL_ENDPOINT + "?api_key=" + API_KEY + "&image=" + URLEncoder. encode (imageURL, "utf-8" );
// Http Request
var connection: HttpURLConnection ? = null
try {
// Configure connection to URL
val url = URL (uploadURL)
connection = url. openConnection () as HttpURLConnection
connection.requestMethod = "POST"
connection. setRequestProperty ( "Content-Type" , "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" )
connection. setRequestProperty ( "Content-Length" , Integer. toString (uploadURL. toByteArray ().size))
connection. setRequestProperty ( "Content-Language" , "en-US" )
connection.useCaches = false
connection.doOutput = true
// Send request
val wr = DataOutputStream (connection.outputStream)
wr. writeBytes (uploadURL)
wr. close ()
// Get Response
val stream = URL (uploadURL). openStream ()
val reader = BufferedReader ( InputStreamReader (stream))
var line: String ?
while (reader. readLine (). also { line = it } != null ) {
println (line)
reader. close ()
} catch (e: Exception ) {
e. printStackTrace ()
} finally {
connection?. disconnect ()
main ()
Inferring on a Local Image
Copy import java . io . * ;
import java . net . HttpURLConnection ;
import java . net . URL ;
import java . nio . charset . StandardCharsets ;
import java . util . Base64 ;
public class InferenceLocal {
public static void main ( String [] args) throws IOException {
// Get Image Path
String filePath = System . getProperty ( "user.dir" ) + System . getProperty ( "file.separator" ) + "YOUR_IMAGE.jpg" ;
File file = new File(filePath) ;
// Base 64 Encode
String encodedFile;
FileInputStream fileInputStreamReader = new FileInputStream(file) ;
byte [] bytes = new byte [( int ) file . length ()];
fileInputStreamReader . read (bytes);
encodedFile = new String( Base64 . getEncoder() . encode(bytes) , StandardCharsets . US_ASCII ) ;
String API_KEY = "" ; // Your API Key
String MODEL_ENDPOINT = "dataset/v" ; // model endpoint
// Construct the URL
String uploadURL = "" + MODEL_ENDPOINT + "?api_key=" + API_KEY
+ "&name=YOUR_IMAGE.jpg" ;
// Http Request
HttpURLConnection connection = null ;
try {
// Configure connection to URL
URL url = new URL(uploadURL) ;
connection = (HttpURLConnection) url . openConnection ();
connection . setRequestMethod ( "POST" );
connection . setRequestProperty ( "Content-Type" , "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" );
connection . setRequestProperty ( "Content-Length" , Integer . toString ( encodedFile . getBytes () . length ));
connection . setRequestProperty ( "Content-Language" , "en-US" );
connection . setUseCaches ( false );
connection . setDoOutput ( true );
// Send request
DataOutputStream wr = new DataOutputStream( connection . getOutputStream()) ;
wr . writeBytes (encodedFile);
wr . close ();
// Get Response
InputStream stream = connection . getInputStream ();
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(stream)) ;
String line;
while ((line = reader . readLine ()) != null ) {
System . out . println (line);
reader . close ();
} catch ( Exception e) {
e . printStackTrace ();
} finally {
if (connection != null ) {
connection . disconnect ();
Inferring on an Image Hosted Elsewhere via URL
Copy import java . io . BufferedReader ;
import java . io . DataOutputStream ;
import java . io . InputStream ;
import java . io . InputStreamReader ;
import java . net . HttpURLConnection ;
import java . net . URL ;
import java . net . URLEncoder ;
import java . nio . charset . StandardCharsets ;
public class InferenceHosted {
public static void main ( String [] args) {
String imageURL = "" ; // Replace Image URL
String API_KEY = "" ; // Your API Key
String MODEL_ENDPOINT = "dataset/v" ; // model endpoint
// Upload URL
String uploadURL = "" + MODEL_ENDPOINT + "?api_key=" + API_KEY + "&image="
+ URLEncoder . encode (imageURL , StandardCharsets . UTF_8 );
// Http Request
HttpURLConnection connection = null ;
try {
// Configure connection to URL
URL url = new URL(uploadURL) ;
connection = (HttpURLConnection) url . openConnection ();
connection . setRequestMethod ( "POST" );
connection . setRequestProperty ( "Content-Type" , "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" );
connection . setRequestProperty ( "Content-Length" , Integer . toString ( uploadURL . getBytes () . length ));
connection . setRequestProperty ( "Content-Language" , "en-US" );
connection . setUseCaches ( false );
connection . setDoOutput ( true );
// Send request
DataOutputStream wr = new DataOutputStream( connection . getOutputStream()) ;
wr . writeBytes (uploadURL);
wr . close ();
// Get Response
InputStream stream = new URL(uploadURL) . openStream ();
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(stream)) ;
String line;
while ((line = reader . readLine ()) != null ) {
System . out . println (line);
reader . close ();
} catch ( Exception e) {
e . printStackTrace ();
} finally {
if (connection != null ) {
connection . disconnect ();
Copy source ""
gem "httparty" , "~> 0.18.1"
gem "base64" , "~> 0.1.0"
gem "cgi" , "~> 0.2.1"
Copy GEM
remote: https: / /
base64 ( 0.1 . 0 )
cgi ( 0.2 . 1 )
httparty ( 0.18 . 1 )
mime - types ( ~> 3.0 )
multi_xml ( >= 0.5 . 2 )
mime - types ( 3.3 . 1 )
mime - types - data ( ~> 3.2015 )
mime - types - data ( 3.2021 . 0225 )
multi_xml ( 0.6 . 0 )
x64 - mingw32
x86_64 - linux
base64 ( ~> 0.1 . 0 )
cgi ( ~> 0.2 . 1 )
httparty ( ~> 0.18 . 1 )
2.2 . 15
Inferring on a Local Image
Copy require 'base64'
require 'httparty'
encoded = Base64 . encode64 ( File . open ( "YOUR_IMAGE.jpg" , "rb" ) . read )
model_endpoint = "dataset/v" # Set model endpoint
api_key = "" # Your API KEY Here
params = "?api_key=" + api_key
+ "&name=YOUR_IMAGE.jpg"
response = HTTParty . post (
"" + model_endpoint + params ,
body: encoded ,
headers: {
'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ,
'charset' => 'utf-8'
puts response
Inferring on an Image Hosted Elsewhere via URL
Copy require 'httparty'
require 'cgi'
model_endpoint = "dataset/v" # Set model endpoint
api_key = "" # Your API KEY Here
img_url = "" # Construct the URL
img_url = CGI :: escape (img_url)
params = "?api_key=" + api_key + "&image=" + img_url
response = HTTParty . post (
"" + model_endpoint + params ,
headers: {
'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ,
'charset' => 'utf-8'
puts response
Inferring on a Local Image
Copy <? php
// Base 64 Encode Image
$data = base64_encode ( file_get_contents ( "YOUR_IMAGE.jpg" )) ;
$api_key = "" ; // Set API Key
$model_endpoint = "dataset/v" ; // Set model endpoint (Found in Dataset URL)
// URL for Http Request
$url = "" . $model_endpoint
. "?api_key=" . $api_key
. "&name=YOUR_IMAGE.jpg" ;
// Setup + Send Http request
$options = array (
'http' => array (
'header' => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n" ,
'method' => 'POST' ,
'content' => $data
$context = stream_context_create ( $options ) ;
$result = file_get_contents ( $url , false , $context ) ;
echo $result;
Inferring on an Image Hosted Elsewhere via URL
Copy <? php
$api_key = "" ; // Set API Key
$model_endpoint = "dataset/v" ; // Set model endpoint (Found in Dataset URL)
$img_url = "" ;
// URL for Http Request
$url = "" . $model_endpoint
. "?api_key=" . $api_key
. "&image=" . urlencode ( $img_url ) ;
// Setup + Send Http request
$options = array (
'http' => array (
'header' => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n" ,
'method' => 'POST'
$context = stream_context_create ( $options ) ;
$result = file_get_contents ( $url , false , $context ) ;
echo $result;
Inferring on a Local Image
Copy package main
import (
func main () {
api_key := "" // Your API Key
model_endpoint := "dataset/v" // Set model endpoint
// Open file on disk.
f, _ := os. Open ( "YOUR_IMAGE.jpg" )
// Read entire JPG into byte slice.
reader := bufio. NewReader (f)
content, _ := ioutil. ReadAll (reader)
// Encode as base64.
data := base64.StdEncoding. EncodeToString (content)
uploadURL := "" + model_endpoint + "?api_key=" + api_key + "&name=YOUR_IMAGE.jpg"
req, _ := http. NewRequest ( "POST" , uploadURL, strings. NewReader (data))
req.Header. Set ( "Accept" , "application/json" )
client := & http . Client {}
resp, _ := client. Do (req)
defer resp.Body. Close ()
bytes, _ := ioutil. ReadAll (resp.Body)
fmt. Println ( string (bytes))
Inferring on an Image Hosted Elsewhere via URL
Copy package main
import (
func main () {
api_key := "" // Your API Key
model_endpoint := "dataset/v" // Set model endpoint
img_url := ""
uploadURL := "" + model_endpoint + "?api_key=" + api_key + "&image=" + url. QueryEscape (img_url)
req, _ := http. NewRequest ( "POST" , uploadURL, nil )
req.Header. Set ( "Accept" , "application/json" )
client := & http . Client {}
resp, _ := client. Do (req)
defer resp.Body. Close ()
bytes, _ := ioutil. ReadAll (resp.Body)
fmt. Println ( string (bytes))
Inferring on a Local Image
Copy using System ;
using System . IO ;
using System . Net ;
using System . Text ;
namespace InferenceLocal
class InferenceLocal
static void Main ( string [] args)
byte [] imageArray = System . IO . File .ReadAllBytes( @"YOUR_IMAGE.jpg" );
string encoded = Convert .ToBase64String(imageArray);
byte [] data = Encoding . ASCII .GetBytes(encoded);
string API_KEY = "" ; // Your API Key
string MODEL_ENDPOINT = "dataset/v" ; // Set model endpoint
// Construct the URL
string uploadURL =
"" + MODEL_ENDPOINT + "?api_key=" + API_KEY
+ "&name=YOUR_IMAGE.jpg" ;
// Service Request Config
ServicePointManager . Expect100Continue = true ;
ServicePointManager . SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType . Tls12 ;
// Configure Request
WebRequest request = WebRequest .Create(uploadURL);
request . Method = "POST" ;
request . ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ;
request . ContentLength = data . Length ;
// Write Data
using ( Stream stream = request .GetRequestStream())
stream .Write(data , 0 , data . Length );
// Get Response
string responseContent = null ;
using ( WebResponse response = request .GetResponse())
using ( Stream stream = response .GetResponseStream())
using ( StreamReader sr99 = new StreamReader (stream))
responseContent = sr99 .ReadToEnd();
Console .WriteLine(responseContent);
Inferring on an Image Hosted Elsewhere via URL
Copy using System ;
using System . IO ;
using System . Net ;
using System . Web ;
namespace InferenceHosted
class InferenceHosted
static void Main ( string [] args)
string API_KEY = "" ; // Your API Key
string imageURL = "" ;
string MODEL_ENDPOINT = "dataset/v" ; // Set model endpoint
// Construct the URL
string uploadURL =
+ "?api_key=" + API_KEY
+ "&image=" + HttpUtility .UrlEncode(imageURL);
// Service Point Config
ServicePointManager . Expect100Continue = true ;
ServicePointManager . SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType . Tls12 ;
// Configure Http Request
WebRequest request = WebRequest .Create(uploadURL);
request . Method = "POST" ;
request . ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ;
request . ContentLength = 0 ;
// Get Response
string responseContent = null ;
using ( WebResponse response = request .GetResponse())
using ( Stream stream = response .GetResponseStream())
using ( StreamReader sr99 = new StreamReader (stream))
responseContent = sr99 .ReadToEnd();
Console .WriteLine(responseContent);
Try asking Lenny, our AI-powered chatbot, to create a code sample for you!
Using the Inference API
Path Parameters
The url-safe version of the dataset name. You can find it in the web UI by looking at the URL on the main project view or by clicking the "Get curl command" button in the train results section of your dataset version after training your model.
The version number identifying the version of of your dataset
Query Parameters
URL of the image to add. Use if your image is hosted elsewhere. (Required when you don't POST a base64 encoded image in the request body.)
Note: don't forget to URL-encode it.
Restrict the predictions to only those of certain classes. Provide as a comma-separated string.
Example: dog,cat
Default: not present (show all classes)
The maximum percentage (on a scale of 0-100) that bounding box predictions of the same class are allowed to overlap before being combined into a single box.
Default: 30
A threshold for the returned predictions on a scale of 0-100. A lower number will return more predictions. A higher number will return fewer high-certainty predictions.
Default: 40
The width (in pixels) of the bounding box displayed around predictions (only has an effect when format
is image
Default: 1
Whether or not to display text labels on the predictions (only has an effect when format
is image
Default: false
json - returns an array of JSON predictions. (See response format tab).
image - returns an image with annotated predictions as a binary blob with a Content-Type
of image/jpeg
. image_and_json - returns an array of JSON predictions, including a visualization field in base64.
Default : json
Your API key (obtained via your workspace API settings page)
Request Body
A base64 encoded image. (Required when you don't pass an image URL in the query parameters).
200 JSON format predictions. (x,y) are the box's center pixel coordinates. 403 If your api_key is not authorized to access the model.
Copy {
"Message": "User is not authorized to access this resource"
API Reference
See how to get your project ID and version number here .
There are two ways you can send an image to the Hosted Inference API via a REST request:
Attach a base64
encoded image to the POST
request body
Send a URL of an image file using the image
URL query
Query Parameters
json: returns an array of JSON predictions. (See response format tab).
image: returns an image with annotated predictions as a binary blob with a Content-Type
of image/jpeg
Default : json
The content type should be application/x-www-form-urlencoded
with a string body.
Response Format
The hosted API inference endpoint, as well as most of our SDKs, return a JSON
object containing an array of predictions. Each prediction has the following properties:
= the horizontal center point of the detected object
= the vertical center point of the detected object
= the width of the bounding box
= the height of the bounding box
= the class label of the detected object
= the model's confidence that the detected object has the correct label and position coordinates
Here is an example response object from the REST API:
Copy {
"predictions" : [
"x" : 189.5 ,
"y" : 100 ,
"width" : 163 ,
"height" : 186 ,
"class" : "helmet" ,
"confidence" : 0.544
] ,
"image" : {
"width" : 2048 ,
"height" : 1371
The image
attribute contains the height and width of the image sent for inference. You may need to use these values for bounding box calculations.
Drawing a Box from the Inference API JSON Output
Frameworks and packages for rendering bounding boxes can differ in positional formats. Given the response JSON
object's properties, a bounding box can always be drawn using some combination of the following rules:
the center point will always be (x
the corner points (x1, y1)
and (x2, y2)
can be found using:
The corner points approach is a common pattern and seen in libraries such as Pillow
when building the box
object to render bounding boxes within an Image
Don't forget to iterate through all detections found when working with predictions
Copy # example box object from the Pillow library
for bounding_box in detections :
x1 = bounding_box [ 'x' ] - bounding_box [ 'width' ] / 2
x2 = bounding_box [ 'x' ] + bounding_box [ 'width' ] / 2
y1 = bounding_box [ 'y' ] - bounding_box [ 'height' ] / 2
y2 = bounding_box [ 'y' ] + bounding_box [ 'height' ] / 2
box = (x1 , x2 , y1 , y2)
Last updated 6 months ago