Add Team Members

You can invite your team members to a Roboflow Workspace to collaborate on your projects.

To invite a team member to a workspace, send them the shareable invite link or add their email address on the Workspace Members page in your workspace's settings.

When adding a new team member, choose between 3 roles: Admin (full access), Labeler , or Reviewer . Each role will generate a different invite link.

Labelers will only be able to see & annotate images assigned to them. Reviewers only have access to the Annotate page, but they can view all jobs in the annotating & review columns, reassign labelers, and approve & reject annotations.

Changing and Removing Team Members

To change a team member's role or remove them from the workspace, click on the 3 dots next to their name & role on the Workspace Members page. Then, select which action you'd like to perform from the dropdown menu.

Last updated