Role-Based Access Control
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Role-Based Access Control is an add-on feature which allows you to assign different access permissions to users in your workspace.
Roboflow supports a number of permission types:
View assigned annotation jobs
Label images
Submit annotation jobs for review
View all annotation jobs
Reassign batch labelers and reviewers
Approve and reject annotated images
Manage workspace users
Upload, delete, and export images and annotations
Train models
Deploy models
View API keys
View and edit billing information
You can add a Labeler through the Settings page or directly within your Job assignment workflow. Labeler's will receive an email notification to get started with the assignment.
The Labeler workflow uses the Board View, Job Assignment, Notifications, and Instructions in the collaborative annotation tools already available today.
After you have assigned a Job to Labeler users, you’ll be able to check in on each Job to see the progress being made. You can manage your labeling project in real-time without requiring status updates, reports, or project management systems. Once a Job is submitted for review, Reviewers will receive an email notifying them to Approve or Reject annotations.
Labelers are able to see their Unannotated and Annotated images as well as their progress to complete the Job.
Labelers can understand where each of their images are in process to work most efficiently.
Admins are able to check all annotations submitted by Labelers to Approve or Reject annotations.
Approved annotations can be added to the project Dataset and Reject annotations will be returned to Labelers for edits.
Once the annotations are Approved or Rejected, Labelers will be notified via email so they can know how to proceed with the Job assignment.